Express Entry:

EE is a procedure introduced by CIC as of January 2015 to manage applications for permanent residence in certain economic programs. Express Entry system has efficient ability to cater changing demand of the Canadian workforce. In Express Entry, candidates, who are most likely to succeed in Canada, get invitation to apply for permanent residency out of pool registered candidates.

It is foremost to have professional guidance to follow the procedure in beginning. Fargo Consultancy of Immigration will assist you in each step of Express Entry program including preparing your file to qualify, creating profile for Express Entry, Job Bank and about the various factors which could improves CRS ranking in the Pool.

Currently the economic programs using Express Entry are:

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program
  • Canadian Experience Class
  • Some Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP)

Federal Skilled Workers are the persons with suitable education, work experience, age and language abilities under one of Canada’s official language and who are selected under the Express Entry immigration system to apply for permanent residence. More over candidates under federal skilled workers program demonstrate their ability to successfully establish in Canada through the process of Express Entry system

Step 1 Basic eligibility:

Minimum requirement of Federal Skilled Worker category is as following:

  • Minimum work experience should be at least one year (1,560 hours total in the same job)
  • Experience should be in one of the eligible occupations within the last ten years, which are under at skill type 0, or skill levels A or B of the National Occupational Classification (NOC).
  • Canadian Language Benchmark on an official language test,
  • Completed Canadian secondary educational credential or a completed foreign educational credential with an Educational Credential Assessment from an approved organization
  • Applicant has intended to live outside Quebec

Language requirement:

  • ILETS: 6 in each Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking
  • CELPIP:7 in each Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking

Step 2. Qualify into Express Entry pool

After meeting minimum requirement applicant will be assessed on the bases of six main factors and requires a pass mark of 67 out of 100 points to qualify in to Express Entry pool under federal skilled workers program. These six main factors are

  • Skills in English and/or French (Canada’s two official languages),
  • Age
  • Education,
  • Work experience,
  • Valid job offers,
  • Adaptability

Step 3: Express Entry profile

If candidate meets qualifying requirements, At this point candidate needs to create an express entry profile and the candidates who do not have a valid job offer or nomination from province or territory will need to register with Government of Canada’s job bank.

After qualifying in to Express Entry pool all applicants will be judged on the grounds of Comprehensive Ranking System which is based on the factors that have been shown to help immigrants prosper in Canada

All applicants in the Express Entry pool will be granted points (maximum of 1200) that take into consideration of their potential for successful establishment in Canada on the factors of: Age, Education, Language Skills, Canadian Experience and other relevant details for the assessment of eligibility. Whereas Arranged Employment and Provincial Nomination plays significant role in selection this process.

Step 4. Invitation to apply for permanent residence

Applicants who score the highest among the pool will receive an invitation to apply for permanent residence.

Immigrants who receive an invitation have 60 days to complete an electronic application online

IRCC will process most applicants for permanent residence in six months or less.

For further information about point system and CRS assessment contact us.

Federal Skilled Trades was designed to facilitate the entry of overseas skilled trades-persons into the Canadian workforce. This category has been established to satisfy the growing labor shortages in Canadian skilled trades. The Federal skilled trades class (FSTC) puts more emphasis on practical experiences. Eligibility under the Federal Skilled Trades Class is assessed on a pass or fail basis.

Basic Eligibility:

  • Have offers of employment from up to two employers in Canada for at least one-year duration OR a Certificate of Qualification from a provincial or territorial body;
  • Proof of basic language proficiency from a designated language testing organization, demonstrating that the applicant meets the minimum threshold set by the Minister — Canadian Level Benchmark (CLB) 5 for speaking and listening, CLB 4 for reading and writing;
  • Have obtained 24 months of qualified work experience in the skilled trade in the last five years; and
  • Be able to demonstrate the skills and experience and that they have performed the essential duties of the occupation.

Language Requirement:

Two of the most commonly used language tests are the IELTS for English and the TEF for French. Applicants must obtain the following scores in each respective language ability:


Eligible Trades and Caps on application

Applications in the following trades may be accepted eligible occupations fall into the following general categories:

  • 7202 Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations;
  • 7204 Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades;
  • 7205 Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and services;
  • 7271 Carpenters;
  • 7301 Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades;
  • 7302 Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews;
  • 8211 Supervisors, logging and forestry;
  • 8221 Supervisors, mining and quarrying;
  • 8222 Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling services;
  • 8241 Logging machinery operators;
  • 8252 Agricultural service contractors, farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers;
  • 9211 Supervisors, mineral and metal processing;
  • 9212 Supervisors, petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilities;
  • 9214 Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing;
  • 9231 Central control and process operators, mineral and metal processing;
  • 9241 Power engineers and power systems operators;
  • 9243 Water and waste treatment plant operators.

Applications in the following trades will be accepted until the total Class cap of 3000 is reached, with no sub-cap applying:

  • 7231 Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors;
  • 7233 Sheet metal workers;
  • 7235 Structural metal and plate work fabricators and fitters;
  • 7236 Ironworkers;
  • 7237 Welders and related machine operators;
  • 7241 Electricians (except industrial and power system);
  • 7242 Industrial electricians;
  • 7243 Power system electricians;
  • 7244 Electrical power line and cable workers;
  • 7245 Telecommunications line and cable workers;
  • 7246 Telecommunications installation and repair workers;
  • 7251 Plumbers;
  • 7252 Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers;
  • 7253 Gas fitters;
  • 7311 Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics;
  • 7312 Heavy-duty equipment mechanics;
  • 7313 Refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics;
  • 7314 Railway Carmen/women;
  • 7315 Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors;
  • 7318 Elevator constructors and mechanics;
  • 7371 Crane operators;
  • 7372 Drillers and blasters – surface, mining, quarrying and construction;
  • 7373 Water well drillers;
  • 8231 Underground production and development miners;
  • 8232 Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers;
  • 9232 Petroleum, gas and chemical process operators

Persons interested in applying under the Federal Skilled Trades Class are invited to communicate with us or to complete an assessment for further information.

CEC is designed to retain foreign workers who have work experience in Canada, allowing them to secure permanent resident status with their accompanying dependents. Canadian Experience Class program recognizes the benefits to Canadian experience by candidates who have spent significant amount of time pursuing their studies and working careers in Canada. This class recognizes candidate’s contributions to the Canadian economy and the creation of strong links to Canadian society and the ability to contribute to the Canadian culture.

The applicant must have had legal temporary status during the period of work. However, the Canadian Experience Class is also open to individuals who are no longer in Canada, provided that they submit their application within three years of leaving their job in Canada.

Foreign national such as refugee claimants in Canada and undocumented workers, whose work experience would be accumulated while they have to temporary resident’s status in Canada are not eligible for CEC

Canadian Experience Class eligibility requirements

Eligibility for permanent residence under this class is assessed on a pass-fail basis where the primary criteria are the following:

  • Candidate has acquired 12 months of full-time work experience in an occupation categorized as Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A or B of the National Occupation Classification (NOC). Qualifying occupations are those of a managerial, professional, technical or skilled trade nature.
  • The qualifying Canadian work experience must be acquired within the 36 months immediately preceding the date of application;
  • Candidate demonstrates sufficient proficiency in one of Canada’s official languages. The level of proficiency required is determined by the occupation in which the candidate gained qualifying Canadian work experience;
  • Candidate should not be inadmissible to Canada on medical, criminal or security grounds.

Language requirement:

IELTS Benchmark for CEC
Job Skill LevelListeningReadingWritingSpeaking
NOC 0, A6666
NOC B5455
Job Skill LevelListeningReadingWritingSpeaking
NOC 0,A7777
NOC B5555

Family Sponsorships:

Canada’s Family Class Sponsorship programs are some of the most generous family reunification programs in the developed world. Canadian citizens and permanent residents may sponsor close family members to immigrate to Canada and live as permanent residents. Canada is strongly committed to reuniting families from all over the world and this is clearly demonstrated in Canada’s family reunification immigration program known as Family Class Sponsorship. Under this sector of immigration parents, grandparents, dependent or adopted children below a certain age, husband or wife, common-law partner, conjugal partner or orphaned relatives can be sponsored to live in Canada by a relative who already lives legally in the country. Qualifying relatives can include: a spouse (whether a conjugal or common-law partner), a dependent child (including adopted children), parents, grandparents, or other eligible relatives often referred to as the last surviving members of a family

Basic requirements for family sponsorship:

To be a sponsor:

  • You must be 18 years of age or older.
  • You and the sponsored relative must sign a sponsorship agreement that commits you to provide financial support for your relative, if necessary. This agreement also says the person becoming a permanent resident will make every effort to support her or himself.
  • You must provide financial support for a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner for three years from the date they become a permanent resident.
  • You must provide financial support for a dependent child for 10 years, or until the child turns 25, whichever comes first.

Provincial nominees program:

Provinces and Territories in Canada can nominate immigrants in order to meet immigration needs of that particular province or territory through the program called Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). These immigrants must have the skills, education and work experience to contribute to the economy of that province or territory, and must intent to live there. Candidates who are otherwise not qualified for immigration under federal programs may qualify for admission under PNP.

To apply for the PNP you must:

  • Apply to a province or territory for a nomination,
  • Be nominated by that province or territory, then
  • Apply to IRCC to become a permanent resident.

Provinces and territories for provincial nominee programs:

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